Friday, February 13, 2009

Quick Update

I am exhausted so the update will be quick tonight:

Reagan - no desats since she received blood; increase in food today; doing well

Cameron - took blood at 4 a.m., hematocrit at 30, which is the lowest they will allow - if it goes below then they will give her a transfusion - so realistically a transfusion will probably take place in the next few days; still having random desats (blood should help this if it is the culprit); doing well otherwise

Last night the girls weighed 980 grams and 979 grams which means they both weigh about 2.5 pounds - isn't that cool that they were exactly the same! Hoping to go in tomorrow to kangaroo and assist with baths (another first - very exciting!).

Good night!


  1. Great news! Sounds like they're really starting to put on the weight! Already up to 2 1/2 lbs! That's awesome! Congrats.

  2. Man, I am so hoping for a message today or soon saying that you got the kangaroo AND bath! That is so fun! I love your happy messages even if you are exhausted! Glad to hear things are going good! Praise God! Love ya'll!
