Monday, February 9, 2009

Seven Week Old Update

Well I went to check in on the girls today and what do you know we have a 2 pounder! That's right! Reagan is now 2 lbs and 2 ounces. She is doing so well that they are increasing her volume again in hopes that she will have another big gain today. She is now drinking about 6 ounces a day. It is amazing because when they first started her on milk she only got what seemed to be a drop and now she is getting 6 ounces! Her nurse also said that during assessments she was removing the nasal cannula for a couple of minutes and Reagan did fine and she has been saturating at 100% so she is hopeful that they may try her again on her own without the cannula.

Cameron is doing well and has not had any bradys since Saturday night when her lungs collapsed. Cameron also gained weight and is still around 1 lb. 15 ounces. Her belly seems to be handling the HMF in her milk and she is drinking about 3 ounces a day of milk. Please continue to pray as she is still having saturation issues. However, the doctors are considering that she is asymptomatic of a lung collapse. Cameron amazes me at her strength. She is my hero. She has had infections, belly issues, collapsed lungs and she remains stable - she is so strong and I pray that she will continue to be so. They are still running bloodwork and she now has low enough billi levels that she does not have to be on the phenylbarbitol that helped to reduce the yellow tinge in her skin. She is still on blood pressure meds and I pray that as her lungs heal that she will also be able to get off of that as well.

I am so excited that in only 3 more days I will be able to go and touch and love on my little ones and hopefully kangaroo too.


  1. wow! reading about you being able to touch your babies again brought tears to my eyes! i'm praying for ya'll to be able to touch and snuggle with your girls soon and that the days between then and now pass quickly. love you guys! :)

  2. Oh-a two pounder! That is wonderful news and Cameron being such a strong trooper. I ran into a lady today that I had asked to spread the word for prayer. Cameron and Reagan are actually the reason that we have become friends. She approached me and said please know I am still praying. I know so many are but just wanted to pass this on. I am so excited that you and Seth will be able to hold your "little valentines" soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

  3. Cameron is a little fighter! She reminds me of a friend's baby that was premature and a fighter. He acquired the nickname "Boomer" because he kept bouncing back from the setbacks. Yeah, Reagan kept gaining the weight! When she is a young lady she will not want us cheering her on to gain weight. Ha Ha!! I am praying for you to be able to go and have kangaroo snuggle loving time for you and your babes. I hope the time passes quickly for you. Please, call us if we can help out!! We are here for you!

  4. Just sitting here praying for your little ones and was reminded of how many times their daddy faced tough challenges, and "close calls"! And our God was faithful to bring him through the storms. And He not only brought him through, but definitely made him stronger. You are gonna have some strong little ladies! Actually, they already are!!! Love yall!! YooHoo
